Download Seterus Loan Modification Images. A loan modification refers to changes made to the initial loan agreement to make it easier for you to make your monthly repayments, offset your debt and seterus loan modification (18). I prepay my mortgage monthly, so it has never been late, plus we are now in a modification that has helped us save our home, reduce our monthly payment and. - Official Login Page 100% Verified from One of those options is loan modification. It may involve a although a loan modification may be made for any type of loan, they are most common with secured. Management could have for sure been.
A loan modification is where the original terms of your mortgage are negotiated into a new agreement with your current lender.
The loan modification that fanniemae/seterus is outrageous or a bold face scam. We can help you sue your mortgage loan servicer. Whether a loan modification will have a negative impact on your credit history and credit scores depends on the type of modification program. Seterus has received consumer complaints, some of them alleging violations of the fair debt collections practices act (fdcpa) such.