Get Small Business Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit Background
Get Small Business Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit
Background. Calculating average wages and insurance premiums paid will let you know if you qualify before filing for business tax credit. Small business owners who subsidize the cost of employee health insurance premiums may be able to get some of that money back by claiming the credit for small employer health insurance premiums on their taxes.
Calculating average wages and insurance premiums paid will let you know if you qualify before filing for business tax credit.
Small businesses may qualify for health care tax credits using the health insurance marketplace. One reader wonders if paying his health insurance premiums though his small business would yield a tax deduction. As a small business owner, much of the money you put into health insurance benefits can come right back to you in the form of tax incentives. The irs provides a small business healthcare tax information (all are published as pdfs) related to the maintaining health insurance coverage documentation for the tax filing season health care tax premium tax credit brings changes to your 2014 income tax returns health care tax tip.