Download Velocity Credit Union Auto Loan Pictures
Download Velocity Credit Union Auto Loan
Pictures. Velocity credit union offers a program called gap to address this problem. How do credit union auto loans work?
We finance up to 100% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price (msrp) plus an additional 10% to cover other purchase.
Enjoy up to 3 months with no payments!* when you get approved for an auto loan at cfcu, dealers on our auto smart network can see that you are already approved for a loan from the credit union. Your dream car is waiting. Enjoy up to 3 months with no payments!* when you get approved for an auto loan at cfcu, dealers on our auto smart network can see that you are already approved for a loan from the credit union. Certified dealer through the alliant credit union auto buying program and who were identified as buying a new vehicle from that certified dealer was $3,750.